A Tale of Two Dimensions

5 min readOct 23, 2021


It was just after the fifth sunset of Tauraei-5’s LUNAr revels, the 30-day long event during which Bulls on planets across the Terraverse paid thanks to the moon for yet another year of plenty, that the first Tesseract streaked across the sky. Of course, no one knew that they were called Tesseracts back then. In fact neither Duke or Alistair, two Bulls whose horns were barely long enough for them be called more than calves, had any idea what to call the glowing blue streak of light they saw flash before their eyes as they stood outside of the Bulls Den.

“You see that?” grunted Alistair to Duke, flicking his pixelated eyes across the rapidly dimming sky for any sign of the blue streak he had seen just moments before.

“The flash of light?” Duke angled his flat body to face the downtown of the city with Alistair. “Probably old Lightning Horns doing his thing again. You know how he gets.”

“I don’t…” Whatever words that came out of Alistair’s mouth next were lost as a second flash of blue light blasted across the horizon, this time low enough that an audible rumble not dissimilar from the noise a spacecraft makes as it approaches orbit could be heard. It streaked across the sky in an instant, until it was lost behind the neon purple light of the downtown skyline. A few moments later, a low boom echoed in the distance.

The Bulls stood there for what felt like minutes, beefy jaws agape. It had looked like there was something… unnatural… inside of the blue light. Something that rotated with a grace and beauty not possible by anything they had seen anywhere in the two-dimensional Terraverse before.

“Did you…” Alistair shook his jowls, composing himself. “What was that?”

“I don’t know, brother Bull.” Duke’s voice shook slightly, adrenaline and anxiety pumping through his pixelated body, until it suddenly became calm again. “But we have to find out.” And with that, the pair of Bulls set off, criss-crossing their way down dim streets and alleys, following the occasional streak of bright blue light.

The streets were essentially empty. Most respectable Bulls were at their neighborhood’s best alcohol-producing facilities participating in the LUNAr celebrations. The cheers, chants, and bellows of the revelers were audible as the pair of young Bulls made their way block-by-block towards the heart of the city.

After what seemed like weeks, but was actually only hours, the Bulls arrived at their destination. Alistair was rounding the final corner when he first felt it. He didn’t know what it was, but there was a strange, vibrating hum in the air, and a soft blue glow lighting the tall building walls on either side of the narrow street.

There it was.

Duke and Alistair paused, suddenly unsure. A cube, nearly as large as their beefy Bull heads, was gently rotating inches above the ground in front of them. It glowed from within with a blue flame that seemed to flicker in and out of existence. But more than that, it was.. always visible.

You may not realize how confusing and exciting this was to our young protagonists. The Terraverse was two-dimensional. It had always been rumored that alternate realities with objects and beings of higher dimensions existed, but this was the first conclusive proof.

Alistair stared into the fractal, glowing heart of the Tesseract. He couldn’t be sure, but it almost looked like a Bull stared back at him from the depths. A bull that looked like him, but different… What was it? Where had it come from?

Alistair reached towards the Tesseract…

Alistair landed with an almighty crash, he looked around dazed and bewildered “What… what’s going on?!” He thought as he gazed down at his body, “What the? I’m… I’m 3 dimensional!! But it cant be, surely…” Alistair thought about the tales he had heard as a young bull, the elders had spoken about an “occurrence” that would lead to a world full of dimension and texture unlike anything they had ever known.

No sooner had Alistair managed to get to his feet, he was sent flying backwards. There was a second almighty crash and with that Duke fell to the ground in a heap. After a moment, he too was staring around, slackjawed at the new world. “Nice of you to join me!” exclaimed Alistair. “Woh!!! I cant believe it. Look at me!! I’m buff, I’m lean! I am MEAN!!!” Alistair stood up proudly, puffing his chest as he looked out over a city that seemed to have a million corners, a myriad of lights twinkling in the night and illuminating a world as yet undiscovered.

“Lets go!!” Alistair said. But something was wrong… Duke was sitting with his back facing this new world. “What is it dude? what’s going on?” Alistair asked Duke,

“Its just, well.. I cant mate, I just cant do it!” Duke was staring back into the darkness, a small tear began to form in the corner of Purple Beamers… “I cant leave them all dude, I just cant leave the Stampede.”

“Bro!! WAGMI lets frickin go!! the new 3D world is waiting! it is everything we dreamed of!” Alistair exclaimed, grabbing Duke by the collar, but he could already feel his friend Duke slipping away…

“No Bro,” replied Duke, “Its everything YOU ever dreamed of. I’m sorry, I have to go back to the 2D world.” Alistair looked down and noticed that the tesseract was in Duke’s hand, and it was… glowing.

“Duke, no!!” shouted Alistair, but before he could do anything, a wave of force blasted him in the chest and propelled him backwards.

As the smoke cleared, Alistair looked up, his buddy, Duke, was gone. Would he ever see him again?

The Rupture | Tesseract Airdrop to LunaBull Holders

We hope you enjoyed the story! Now, let’s get down to the details. We mentioned an airdrop to LunaBull holders in our roadmap leading up to the LunaBulls genesis mint, and we’re happy to announce that we will be delivering on this very soon!

What is the Tesseract?

  • An upgrade token that, when used on a LunaBull in your wallet through a webapp we’re developing with Randomearth, will turn your LunaBull multi-dimensional. (The first in crypto?)
  • Total Supply: 10069. (1 Tesseract to each LunaBull)
  • The Tesseract NFT itself will be tradeable Randomearth.

How will Tesseracts be distributed?

  • 500 will crash (airdropped) into the OG “Alpha Bulls” wallets.
  • ~3500 will crash (airdropped) into each LunaBull Holders wallet. (The snapshot has already been taken)
  • The remaining Tesseracts (~6000) will be sold at mint on RandomEarth. Price TBD. Only LunaBulls holders will be eligible to mint.

How will the Tesseract work?

  • We are launching a webapp where you can use your tesseract on your pixel LunaBull.
  • Using the Tesseract on your LunaBull transforms your bull to a 3D version with exactly the same traits. (They look epic btw)
  • After using a Tesseract your bull will become “Multi-Dimensional” and that particular LunaBull will be able to be transformed between 3D and 2D Pixel within the same webapp.
  • Tesseracts can only be used once (Burnt on use) and you cannot use Tesseracts on the same LunaBull twice.


  • We’re aiming for the end of November, possibly sooner! More details coming soon.

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Written by TheBullClub

TheBullClub NFTs are 10069 randomly generated unique NFTs born on the Terra Blockchain and recently migrated to Solana. https://discord.gg/thebullclub

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